Untangling Zoning Code Amendments in Los Angeles
The Department of City Planning is undertaking a series of workshops on development reform throughout Los Angeles , which they also call zoning code streamlining, zoning code simplification, and zoning code amendments. This is my effort to untangle the maze of what is proposed under these confusing titles. Furthermore, some of the promotional materials for these planning workshops reference extraneous issues, including alleged problems faced by home owners whose home improvement projects must be cleared by City Planning, and efforts to implement 12-2, a failed program promoted by the Central City Association to have all building permits cleared by two city departments, Building and Safety and City Planning. The current proposals include the review and adoption of between six and 24 separate zoning code amendments, inventoried below. They are intended, according to their city sponsors, to simplify and streamline the Los Angeles Muncipal Code (LAMC). The numbers range so ...