During the Pandemic, manzionization has dragged Angelinos down into two more circles of Hell.
During the Pandemic, manzionization has dragged Angelinos down into two more circles of Hell . By Dick Platkin* https://www.citywatchla.com/index.php/cw/los-angeles/20214-during-the-pandemic-mansionization-has-dragged-angelenos-down-into-two-more-circles-of-hell Planning Watch : According to the medieval Italian poet, Dante Alighieri , Hell has nine levels. If you live in Los Angeles neighborhoods, like Beverly Grove, you already know what McMansion Hell is like . But, during the Covid-19 pandemic mansionization has reached new depths , dragging local residents down further, to the levels of fraud and greed. CityWatchLA readers have already read the case against McMansions and City Hall’s futile steps to regulate them. McMansions are those infill, boxy, over-sized houses in many Los Angeles neighborhoods. Limited Liability Corporations (LLC’s) quickly and cheaply build them to wrack-up highly profitable sales to peopl...