No More McMansions in Los Angeles Breaking news! Reform is finally getting started on the city’s failed Baseline Mansionization Ordinance and Baseline Hillside Ordinance (BMO/BHO). The Planning Department has now published its draft amendments. To read the full draft, go to the web page of the city’s Office of Historic Resources; click on Updates and then on BMO/BHO Draft Amendments. Or follow the link from our website. (Address at the bottom of this page.) The timetable The Planning Department is aiming for Council adoption of the amendments sometime late next summer, following a comment period, environmental analysis, more public comment, a staff report, and hearings before the City Planning Commission and the Council’s P lanning & L and U se M anagement (PLUM) committee. The first step is a series of public outreach meetings held in different parts of the city. The outreach meetings are coming up fast : ...