LA’s Politicians and Academics: Shills for Real Estate Speculators

By DICK PLATKIN, CityWatchLA , 29 MARCH 2018 PLATKIN ON PLANNING -The urban growth machine, including its enablers in public office and academia, dish out endless cover stories to camouflage their hidden agenda of priming the pumps of real estate speculation. When one of their self-serving theories bites the dust, they quickly advance another one, knowing they can depend on the corporate media and “business-friendly” policy experts to quickly pick up the beat. Greenwashing : The best know version of this ploy is greenwashing , such as Exxon’s and Chevron’s public service announcements trumpeting their restoration of ponds, shorelines, and meadows. Meanwhile, these and similar energy companies continue to extract fossil fuels, often with immediate pollution , followed by the huge generation of the Green House Gases r...