--> By Dick Platkin, City Watch LA, January 18, 2018 http://citywatchla.com/index.php/los-angeles-for-rss/14718-pushing-back-against-city-hall-cheaters Platkin on Planning : City Planning has developed a host of ways to assist real estate developers building for the high end of the real estate market. Their helping hand, though, is based on cheating, and it also hides behind several totally spurious claims. While they don’t yet concede their bait-and-switch approach, their friends, like Senator Scott Wiener , unabashedly support real estate speculators with many outlandish predictions. According to Wiener and friends, the new market housing will boost transit ridership, reduce residential segregation, slow down gentrification, and meet the housing needs of the homeless, the overcrowded, and the rent-stressed. Since I debunked most of these claims in last week’s CityWatchLA column , this week I will zero in on the cheating...