
Showing posts from 2019


FIX THE CITY PRESS RELEASE September 4, 2019 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACTS: Laura Lake 310-497-5550, James O’Sullivan 213 -840-0246 FIX THE CITY SUES L.A. FOR FAILING TO OBEY MEASURE JJJ: AFFORDABLE HOUSING & GOOD JOBS INITIATIVE Los Angeles – Affordable Housing and Good Jobs- that is what Measure JJJ was supposed to be about. Developers would build needed affordable housing while providing good jobs. In return, they would be allowed to build bigger buildings. This was the deal presented to voters in Measure JJJ. But that’s not what we got. Instead, voters got a Planning-Department-created grab-bag of goodies for developers that failed to require the good jobs that voters were promised. Adding insult to injury, the City made these changes without a public hearing and without City Council approval as required by state law. Even worse, the new rules were designed to limit public awareness and evade transparency all while putting even greater strain on our...

How Sleazy is LA’s Planning Process? More Than You Imagine!

By Dick Platkin, CityWatchLA, August 29, 2019 PLATKIN ON PLANNING -With the mainstream news media attracting eyeballs through endless stories about Jeffrey Epstein, Roger Ailes, R. Kelley, and other lowlifes, it is getting harder to be outraged. Nevertheless, the recent LA Times lobbying corruption stories about former Director of Planning, Michael LoGrande, managed to raise a few eyebrows. He blatantly broke LA’s revolving door law, which bars prominent City officials from lobbying their colleagues for one year after leaving City employment. When a City Hall whistleblower called out Mr. LoGrande’s lobbying violations to the City’s Ethics Commission, the former Planning Director readily agreed to pony up a record fine of $281,000. It is apparently much easier to buy forgiveness than ask for permission. But that is not where the story ends. The LA Times also reported that when Mr. LoGrande was shown th...

Population Estimate and Projections for the City of Los Angeles Community Plan Areas, Wendel Cox, December 28, 2018

--> Wendell Cox Consultancy · PO Box 841 · Belleville, Illinois 62222 USA +1.618.632.8507 · DRAFT Community Plan Areas The city of Los Angeles is divided into 35 Community Plan Areas (CPAs) , through which citizens participate in preparing community plans under the auspices of the Department of City Planning. New Population Estimates The latest population estimates for the CPAs are from the 2010 United States Census. 1 There is a need for later estimates as community plans are considered throughout the city. Using available sources, Demographia has used the best available US Census Bureau trend data to estimate populations of each CPA for July 1, 2016 and to develop a projection for April 1, 2020 (the next U.S. Census date). These data were modeled using U. S. Census Bureau resources as described below. 2016 (July 1) Population Estimate Census tract population estimates f...